How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth

How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 1

Everyone naturally has underarm hair, and there’s no need to be ashamed of it. However, recent trends have leaned towards the ideal of smooth underarms, and women with underarm hair often face curious glances.

Do you also prefer underarms as smooth as velvet for aesthetic or hygienic reasons? This article will help you decide which method is best for achieving this. We’ll also discuss the purpose of underarm hair and its origins. Finally, we’ll explore laser hair removal as the best way to address underarm hair.

If you want a permanent solution for unwanted hair, opt for laser hair removal. You can start at our salon, where we offer a discount on your first session after completing a short questionnaire!

What is the purpose of armpit hair in both men and women?

Underarm hair serves biological and evolutionary functions that are important for the human body in some ways. Although shaving them does not pose any health risks, the decision to keep or remove them is primarily an aesthetic and personal choice.

Why do we have armpit hair

Underarm hair helps reduce friction between the upper arm and the torso, which is particularly useful during running, walking, and physical activities. Additionally, the hair traps sweat, aiding in temperature regulation.

Similar to hair in other parts of the body, underarm hair provides a degree of protection against external elements—dust, dirt, and other particles—by capturing them before they reach the skin.

Moreover, sweat and underarm hair contain pheromones, which play a role in natural human attraction. On the other hand, many people also find smooth underarms attractive, so in this regard, it’s a tie! 

How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 3

Why consider hair removal?


We choose to remove hair for many reasons.

But the main ones are aesthetics and personal preference, which probably play the most important role in the decision to remove hair in this area.

In every society there are certain norms and expectations regarding appearance. And whether we like it or not, most people conform to these norms and tailor their choices to them.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that a person who chooses to keep their hair is doing it wrong. Removing underarm hair should be primarily a personal choice, without outside pressure. 


A more significant reason than fashion for removing underarm hair is hygiene.

Underarm hair absorbs sweat and bacteria, which are a natural part of the skin’s microbiome. When sweat interacts with these bacteria, it can lead to their breakdown and produce unpleasant body odor. Removing the hair helps to reduce sweat accumulation, so it doesn’t get trapped in the hair.

This leads to less odor and a drier, cleaner skin with a lower risk of skin infections, rashes, ingrown hairs, and inflammation caused by moisture and bacterial buildup.

Moreover, removing underarm hair allows for more effective application of antiperspirants or deodorants. Products are better absorbed into the skin, thus more effectively blocking sweat glands or masking odor. 

Skin type, colour or hair density is not a factor
Our laser effectively removes unwanted hair from any part of the body, with results that last. Book your first treatment today!

Different methods to remove hair from underarms and their advantages and disadvantages

Traditional shaving with razor and electric shaver



How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 5

Waxing or how to shave your armpits without a razor



How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 7

Depilation with sugar paste



How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 9

Depilatory creams offer another method for underarm hair



Although the initial costs of laser hair removal are higher, in the long run, you can save both time and money
Don’t waste your money on methods that don’t produce lasting results. Opt for a solution that allows you to get rid of hair permanently.

Tips and tricks to shave your underarms smooth or wax as best as possible


Wax depilation

Sugar paste

Depilatory creams

How to remove armpit hair? Keep the skin in this area perfectly smooth obrázek 11

How to have beautiful armpits that are always hairless? Laser hair removal is the answer

All the methods discussed here, including various home remedies for hair removal, share one fundamental drawback—they only remove hair for a limited time.

This is not the case with laser hair removal, the only method that can permanently eliminate hair. While the price of laser treatment may seem high initially, it more than compensates for the time it saves in the long run.

In professional salons, laser treatments are carried out with a high level of expertise. The laser device allows for very precise targeting of the hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

This minimizes the risk of side effects, such as irritation, burns, or pigmentation changes.

Properly performed laser hair removal, for both men and women, is one of the least painful methods of hair removal. Modern lasers are equipped with cooling systems that enhance comfort during the procedure and reduce discomfort.

Additionally, medical lasers can be precisely adjusted to your specific hair and skin type, a level of customization that no home “epilation” device can match. 

Not only an effective way for armpit hair
Laser hair removal can also help with pigment spots and even out skin tone. Try this method on one area and you may be back to epilate another area soon!
Laser hair removal discount
We offer a 20% discount on the first treatment for any area

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