Laser hair removal FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure

Laser hair removal FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure obrázek 1

Before booking your first laser hair removal appointment, you likely have many questions about the procedure. The following Laser Hair Removal FAQ  should answer most of them and help alleviate any concerns you might have about the treatment. Let’s dive in!

If you decide to go ahead with the treatment, we offer a special discount on your first session. Just fill out our quick quiz! 

Why choose us for your laser hair removal?

Safety and painlessness

Our laser treatment targets hair follicles directly without damaging the surrounding skin. Thanks to integrated cooling, the procedure is virtually painless.

State-of-the-Art technology

We use one of the most advanced hair removal lasers on the market, offering significantly higher efficiency compared to traditional diode lasers.

Suitable for all skin types

Regardless of your skin type or the season, we can effectively remove hair and achieve perfect results.

For women and men

Our salon welcomes anyone who desires smooth skin or is wondering how to get rid of hair in certain areas.

Immediate improvement

While optimal results require multiple treatments, you will notice visible improvements after just one session. Each subsequent treatment will enhance the results even further.

Excellent accessibility

Our salon is conveniently located in the center of Prague, close to Florenc metro station. We pride ourselves on our high level of expertise and friendly service. We look forward to welcoming you!

Smooth skin contributes to better hygiene and comfort, boosts your confidence, and changes the way you perceive your appearance
The best way to achieve smooth skin is through laser hair removal. Book your treatment today!

How to achieve permanent hair removal?

Today, you have access to a wide range of both traditional and advanced hair removal methods.

Razors, blades, or depilatory creams remove only the hair above the surface of the skin. These methods provide only a short-term solution, as hair typically regrows within two days.

Depilation techniques like waxing or sugaring remove hair including the root. While these methods are more effective and their results last longer, they are not permanent. These treatments generally need to be repeated every 4 to 6 weeks.

Laser hair removal is the only method that offers proven long-term hair reduction, as it targets the hair follicles directly and prevents further growth. For most clients, hair either stops growing completely or its growth is significantly slowed after treatment. 

Laser hair removal FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure obrázek 3

Where to get laser hair removal in Prague?

In our metropolis, many salons and aesthetic clinics offer laser hair removal. However, most of them use diode lasers, which are most effective with a contrast between light skin and dark hair. Their effectiveness diminishes on tanned or naturally darker skin, as well as on light hair.

In our salon, we use advanced Alexandrite lasers, which are more powerful than traditional diode models. This technology allows us to treat tanned skin, provided the tan is not recent. We can effectively assist a broader range of clients with this technology. 

Does laser hair removal hurt?

Laser hair removal is one of the least painful hair removal methods. During the procedure, you may experience only a mild stinging sensation.

Any discomfort is further reduced by the cooling functions of the device, which cools and numbs the skin during treatment. For those with a very low pain threshold, a topical anesthetic cream can be applied, although this is generally not necessary.

FAQ on laser hair removal - price of the procedure

What is the price of laser hair removal? The amount per session depends on the size of the area to be treated and the density of the hair. A personal consultation will determine the number of sessions needed for optimal results. The price per session is usually between 500 and 3 500 CZK. It is possible to combine epilation of different areas in one session. 

When to make an appointment for laser epilation?

Us laser can effectively remove even hair on tanned skin, so we can perform epilation all year round, depending on your time availability. You don’t have to wait for your holiday tan to fade, but it’s important that the tan isn’t brand new.

Also, keep in mind that epilated skin should not be exposed to the sun for about a month, so some people prefer to have their epilation in the fall and winter. However, if you protect yourself sufficiently from the sun, it is not a problem to undergo epilation at any time. 

Laser hair removal FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure obrázek 5

How to prepare for laser epilation?

To optimally prepare for laser hair removal, avoid waxing or mechanical hair removal for at least four weeks prior to treatment (shaving is allowed). The day before the procedure, shave the area thoroughly and do not use cosmetics or make-up on the area.

The treatment is not suitable if you are taking antibiotics or if any of the contraindications apply. You should also not drink alcohol before the proced 

How long does it take for one session of laser hair removal?

The duration of laser hair removal varies depending on the size of the area to be treated and the density of the hair. Small areas can be treated within a few minutes (5 to 20 minutes). Larger areas can take half an hour, an hour to 90 minutes. 

Laser hair removal and contraindications. When to postpone the procedure?

Contraindications to laser epilation include pregnancy, breastfeeding, fresh tan, use of medications that increase sensitivity to light, active infections or rashes in the area to be treated, history of keloid scars, and certain skin conditions such as psoriasis or vitiligo. 

We will discuss any contraindications with you beforehand and make sure that nothing prevents you from having the procedure. 

Laser hair removal - how long does it last?

Laser hair removal can also produce long-lasting results. After all the recommended sessions have been completed, hair removal is usually permanent, with a success rate of up to 80%. If any hairs grow back, they tend to be finer and lighter. However, it is recommended to undergo maintenance treatments approximately once a year to maintain a smooth result. 

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When will I see hair loss after laser hair removal?

You may notice visible hair loss as soon as a few days after your first session. However, you will need to repeat the epilation several times for perfectly smooth skin. The average number of sessions is 5-6, but it can be a little more or less depending on the individual reaction of your body and the level of hair.

How do I care for my skin after epilation?

After laser epilation, avoid using any irritating cosmetics or make-up on the treated area. If your skin itches, your doctor may prescribe a cream to relieve the discomfort. Avoid scratching and protect your skin from mechanical damage and UV rays.

In the weeks following epilation, use mainly natural moisturising products and a high SPF sunscreen. 

Laser hair removal FAQ - answers to the most frequently asked questions about this procedure obrázek 9


The answers above have hopefully convinced you that you don’t need to worry about laser hair removal.

It provides an effective and long-lasting solution for removing unwanted hair, with minimal irritation and faster results compared to traditional methods such as waxing or shaving.

It is safe, accurate and suitable for different skin and hair types. 

If the best care and results are your priorities, you’ll love our salon
We use the latest technologies and techniques, and we are ready to tailor each procedure to suit the client’s skin type and sensitivity. Book with us today!
Laser hair removal discount
We offer a 20% discount on the first treatment for any area

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