Excessive Hair in Men: Why Does It Occur and How to Address It?

Excessive Hair in Men: Why Does It Occur and How to Address It? obrázek 1

Hair in men is natural, and unlike female hair, it is accepted across society, regardless of our individual opinions. To a reasonable extent, hair on the chest and elsewhere on the male body is considered “sexy.”

However, when hair is truly excessive or grows in inappropriate places, it can be a problem that needs to be addressed. This can be for psychological reasons, where a man feels unattractive due to thick hair, or for practical and health reasons.

Fortunately, today we have many ways to say goodbye to unwanted hair! So, let’s break down both the causes of excessive hair and the methods of combating it.

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What are the Causes of Excessive Hair in Men?

Have you ever wondered why some men have more hair than others? Let’s explore the most common reasons.

Genetics and Hormones

One of the main causes of excessive hair growth in men is genetics. If men in a family have relatives with abundant hair, it is likely that they will have it similarly.

Hormones also play a role, specifically testosterone, which affects hair growth on the body. Sometimes, a hormonal imbalance and overproduction of testosterone can occur, leading to increased hair growth even in places where it is not typical.

Side Effects of Medications

Similarly, some medications have excessive hair growth as a side effect. This applies, for example, to certain types of steroids or medications used in the treatment of hormonal disorders.

If you notice unusual hair growth after starting a new treatment, it's a good idea to consult your doctor about it in a timely manner.

Stress and Lifestyle

Did you know that your lifestyle can also play a role? Stress, a poor diet, or lack of exercise can cause hormonal fluctuations, which subsequently affect hair growth.

A healthy lifestyle and stress reduction can thus have an unexpected benefit, such as regulating hair growth.

Excessive Hair in Men: Why Does It Occur and How to Address It? obrázek 3

What are the Possible Impacts of Excessive Hair?

Excessive hair also has its psychological and social impacts, especially if a man (or those around him) perceives it as a problem.

Psychological and Social Impacts

For many men, excessive hair negatively affects their self-confidence. Men who are bothered by this problem feel less attractive and may be ashamed, go out less, or wear long clothing to cover the hair.

An excess of hair has a bad influence on their self-perception and even on their relationships.

The whole issue also has a social dimension. Although body hair is often considered a symbol of masculinity, beyond a certain point, it can instead provoke ridicule or judgment.

If a man has experienced ridicule, comments, or other pressure in this regard, he then feels uncomfortable and stigmatized in society.

Health Complications

Excessive hair can eventually lead to some health complications. Typically, this involves skin irritation or ingrown hairs.

Men with thick hair are also more likely to develop skin infections because moisture and sweat can get trapped between the hairs, creating a suitable environment for various dermatological complications.

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Excessive Hair in Men: Why Does It Occur and How to Address It? obrázek 5

Hair Removal Options for Men

While some men embrace their hair, others look for ways to get rid of it. Today, there are many options available – from classic methods to laser hair removal for men.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is undoubtedly the most permanent way to remove hair. This technology uses a laser beam to destroy the hair, including the follicle, which means it will not regrow.

The advantage of laser hair removal is not only the long-term effect, which cannot be compared with common methods such as shaving or waxing. Customers also praise this procedure for its gentleness and painlessness.

Underarm epilation is particularly common among men. If excessive hair has been bothering you for a long time, this method might be the right one for you.

Classic Hair Removal Methods

Classic methods such as shaving, waxing, or depilation are readily available and less expensive. The disadvantage is that their effect is not permanent and requires regular maintenance.

In addition, shaving often causes irritation and ingrown hairs on more sensitive skin, while waxing is more painful and not entirely without other risks to the skin.

Lifestyle Changes

Sometimes, a change in lifestyle can contribute to the regulation of hair growth. A healthy diet, exercise, and stress reduction contribute to the stabilization of hormone levels, which is also reflected in overall hair growth. While this is not an absolute solution to the problem, it is still worth focusing on overall health in general.

Medical Options

If excessive hair is associated with a hormonal imbalance, your doctor may recommend a solution with the help of medication. There are drugs that regulate hormone production and can thereby reduce hair growth.

Most Common Areas for Hair Removal

The most common areas where men have hair removed include the back, chest, shoulders, and abdomen.

It is not uncommon for some men to choose buttock epilation in addition to back epilation, or to remove hair on the face or legs. Everyone has a different idea of what their body should look like, and thanks to modern methods, you have a choice.

Hair removal does not always have to be motivated solely by aesthetic or health considerations. Sometimes it is a purely practical matter, for example, if hair hinders the performance of a certain profession or sport.

Don't waste money on razors, electric shavers, or epilators!

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Excessive Hair in Men: Why Does It Occur and How to Address It? obrázek 7

Tips for Skin Care After Hair Removal

After any hair removal procedure, it is crucial to give your skin proper care. Without proper care, there is a risk of irritation, redness, or even ingrown hairs. How to avoid these problems?

After hair removal, the skin is sensitive, so you should minimize its contact with irritants such as perfumes or harsh cleansers. Opt for gentle, alcohol-free products.

Always moisturize your skin after epilation. Products with aloe vera or panthenol are suitable as they soothe the skin and provide necessary moisture.

When the skin begins to regenerate, regular exfoliation serves as a prevention against further ingrown hairs. Use gentle exfoliating products at least once a week.

Excessive Hair Doesn't Have to Ruin Your Life

Excessive hair in men can have various causes, but none of them are entirely without a solution. Modern methods, whether it’s medical treatment or laser hair removal, offer long-term or even permanent relief from unwanted hair.

For a more pleasant life without stress about your appearance and without fear of reactions from those around you.

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