How to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation? Guides, tips and recommendations

How to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation? Guides, tips and recommendations obrázek 1

To keep your skin smooth and hair-free, depilation offers a somewhat more lasting alternative to classic shaving.

But what to do when ingrown hairs start to appear after depilation? If you are bothered by painful pimples or redness, you are not alone.

Ingrown hairs after depilation are a relatively common complication, but fortunately, there are ways to prevent them or address them if they do occur. Let’s introduce these methods.

Or maybe you don’t want to deal with hairs ever again? Do you want a more permanent result than just classic shaving or depilation? Book a permanent laser epilation procedure and take advantage of a discount for new clients! Just fill out a short quiz.


Ingrown hairs after depilation - what are they and where do they come from?

Have you ever noticed a small pimple after shaving or depilation that bothered you for several days? It was quite possibly an ingrown hair.

It usually manifests as a small red pimple or an inflamed bump on the skin, sometimes even resembling acne.

Sometimes you can see the hair itself under the skin that has not broken through to the surface. It is not uncommon for ingrown hairs to be accompanied by itching or even pain.

How does ingrown hair occur?

Ingrown hairs occur when they do not break through the surface of the skin and instead begin to grow underneath it. This usually happens when the hair changes its direction of growth.

This happens, for example, due to improper removal during shaving or depilation, or due to a too hard layer of dead cells on the skin. The result is painful ingrowth, which in some cases drags on for a long time.

When to see a doctor for ingrown hairs?

Most ingrown hairs disappear on their own after a while. However, if you notice that the pimple is large, painful, purulent, or does not improve after several weeks, it is better to see a doctor.

Sometimes ingrown hairs in the groin, armpits or other frequently depilated areas can even cause inflammation that requires professional care.

How to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation? Guides, tips and recommendations obrázek 3

Causes of ingrown hairs after depilation

Ingrown hairs usually do not have just one cause. One or even a combination of these factors may be behind your problem.

Hairs grow in the wrong direction

After depilation, it can sometimes happen that the hairs grow back at the wrong angle and cannot break through the skin's surface.

This problem is usually caused by depilation against the direction of hair growth or insufficient preparation of the skin before the procedure itself.

Dry depilation or depilation with an insufficient amount of foam can break or roughly pull out the hairs, which prevents them from growing properly.

Shaving with a dull razor

If you choose classic shaving instead of depilation, then make sure that you have the right tools and procedures for it.

Sharp blades are essential, as is sufficient hydration of the skin before and after depilation. If you use dull blades or press down on the skin, the risk of ingrowth increases significantly.

Skin and hair types

Skin type also plays a role. People with thicker or curly hairs are more prone to ingrown hairs.

Ingrown hairs in the armpits, where hairs naturally grow in different directions, are common. Curly hairs also have a natural tendency to curl back into the skin, leading to ingrowth.

If you have strong, dark hairs, ingrown hairs may be a more common problem than with fine, light hairs.

Insufficient skin care after depilation

Proper after-depilation care is absolutely essential. If you do not moisturize the skin after depilation or do not provide it with regular peeling, dead skin cells can block the path of the growing hair. And an annoying problem is suddenly in the world.

Prevention is the best way to perfection

Solve unwanted hairs once and for all with laser epilation and you won’t even remember the problem of ingrown hairs.

How to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation? Guides, tips and recommendations obrázek 5

How to prevent ingrown hairs after depilation?

Now let’s look at specific steps to prevent ingrown hairs. Just a small change in your everyday routine and the problem with ingrown hairs can be a thing of the past.

Step 1

 Start with a clean razor if you shave. The razor must be clean and in good condition. Dull or dirty blades will damage your skin and increase the risk of ingrowth. You don't want to use a razor that will hurt you more than help, do you?

Step 2

Peeling is essential. Perform gentle skin peeling regularly. This will remove dead cells and the hairs will have a free path to grow to the surface.

 In addition, peeling before depilation or shaving helps the hairs to straighten, so they will be better removed.

Step 3

Warm shower or bath. Before depilation itself, take a warm shower or bath. Warmth opens pores and softens hair follicles.

Their removal will be easier and gentler. Once the skin softens, the hairs will be less resistant and will come out easily.

Step 4

Slightly fluff the hairs. After showering, you can lightly fluff the hairs to separate them more from the skin and make depilation more effective. This simple step helps reduce the likelihood that some hair will remain under the skin.

Step 5

Shorten them. If you have longer hairs, shorten them before depilation or shaving. Long hairs can break unnecessarily, which increases the chance that the hair will start to grow inwards.

Step 6

Appropriate timing. Perform depilation in the evening when you are no longer planning any physical activities.

The skin needs time to regenerate and rest after depilation. If you go to the gym or start wearing tight clothing immediately after depilation, you risk irritation and ingrown hairs.

Laser armpit epilation remains the only solution that destroys the hair including the follicle, thus preventing its regrowth

Get rid of hair and the problem of ingrown hairs once and for all. Rely on the work of a top laser in the hands of experienced specialists.

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Methods of hair removal and the risk of ingrowth for each of them

Some methods of hair removal increase the risk of ingrown hairs more than others. Which methods are most risky in this regard?

Classic razors and shavers

Shaving with a razor is one of the fastest and most accessible methods, but unfortunately also the one after which hairs often grow inwards. Especially if you use dull razors or shave against the direction of hair growth.

Electric shaver

Electric shavers are gentler than classic razors, but even here the risk of ingrowth is not completely eliminated. Here too, it is therefore necessary to pay close attention to the cleanliness and quality of the shaver.

Mechanical epilator

Epilators pull hairs out by the roots, which reduces the likelihood of ingrown hairs. However, it can still happen that a hair grows under the skin if this method of epilation is performed incorrectly.

Wax or sugar paste epilation

This method is popular due to the results that you can maintain for weeks. However, after waxing or sugar paste, hairs can become ingrown, especially if they are removed against the direction of growth.

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Other tips to prevent ingrown hairs

Some methods of hair removal increase the risk of ingrown hairs more than others. Which methods are most risky in this regard?

Is there a method after which hairs do not grow in at all?

Yes, there is. If you want to avoid ingrown hairs almost completely, then there is basically only one solution where the risk of ingrown hairs is eliminated.

Laser epilation is a method in which the laser destroys the hair follicle. This means that hairs do not grow back at all after the procedure is finished, or only very fine and sparse ones.

If we look at epilation versus depilation only from a price point of view, epilation is more expensive than other methods. On the other hand, it can get rid of the problems with ingrown hairs for good.

Win the fight against ingrown hairs once and for all

Ingrown hairs can be frustrating, but with a little care they can be fought. Whether you opt for laser hair removal or stick with classic methods, it is important to care for your skin regularly and properly.

Quality peeling, hydration, and gentle handling of the skin after depilation can work wonders. It’s work, but it’s worth it!

Not only smooth skin, but also plenty of extra time without worrying about hairs

Forget about depilatory waxes or razors and enjoy flawless skin 24/7 with laser epilation.

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