Epilation vs. depilation: Comparison of different methods and their advantages and disadvantages

Epilation vs. depilation: Comparison of different methods and their advantages and disadvantages obrázek 1

Perfectly smooth skin has become the norm, at least for women, in certain areas. Moreover, an increasing number of men are also striving for smooth skin. The main questions on the agenda are: How can you remove hair most effectively, so that the results last while costing you the least amount of money and time? Epilation vs. Depilation? Which of these methods offers the best balance between cost and effectiveness? Let’s explore this issue further.

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Epilation and Depilation: What can epilation do?

Epilation, in short, is the cosmetic process of removing hair from the body. Unlike shaving, which removes only the part of the hair above the surface of the skin, epilation removes the entire hair, including the root.

This means that the results of epilation last much longer, as the hairs need more time to grow back. With some methods, such as laser hair removal, the follicle of the hair can also be damaged to the point that it doesn’t grow back at all.

So let’s take a look at the epilation methods you may encounter most often.

Laser hair removal

During laser epilation, a laser beam is used to target and destroy hair follicles. The beam converts into thermal energy upon contact with the hair pigment, penetrating to the follicle and destroying it. As a result, the follicle does not regenerate, or if it does, it regenerates weaker and only after a long time.

And if you’re wondering how long laser epilation lasts, know that it is the most long-lasting method among all hair removal techniques. Sometimes, it even provides results that are permanent.

Laser epilation is effective on many different skin and hair types. While it was once true that lasers were most effective on people with darker hair and lighter skin, modern lasers have overcome this limitation. Today, anyone can enjoy laser epilation, regardless of their skin type or hair color.

IPL epilation, also known as epilation with intense pulsed light

Similar to laser epilation, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) epilation also uses light to remove hair. Instead of a single wavelength of light, as with laser treatment, IPL uses broad-spectrum pulsed light.

This method is therefore less targeted than laser epilation, where a single wavelength beam penetrates deeper and destroys the hair more effectively.

However, IPL epilation can still be relatively effective for various hair and skin types, although you shouldn't expect the same results as with laser epilation. IPL typically requires more sessions than laser epilation to achieve satisfactory results.

Mechanical epilator

An electric epilator is a handheld device that pulls hairs directly from the root. It is typically used on legs, arms, and other larger areas of the body.

Although mechanical epilation isn't exactly pleasant and the process of pulling out hairs can be painful, this method provides immediate results.

With regular use, the regrowth may become finer and sparser, but don’t count on truly permanent hair removal with mechanical epilation—hairs will most likely continue to grow back. S pravidelným používáním mohou být chloupky, které dorůstají, jemnější a řidší, ale se skutečně trvalým odstraněním u mechanické epilace raději nepočítejte - dorůstat úplně chloupky nejspíše nepřestanou.

Electroepilation (or electrolysis)

Electroepilation involves inserting a thin needle into each hair follicle and using an electric current to destroy it. This method is more time-consuming compared to other hair removal techniques because each hair is treated individually.

However, it can provide relatively long-lasting results and is also suitable for all hair and skin types.

Visible reduction of hair after the first session, perfectly smooth skin after the final session

Try laser hair removal, and you’ll never go back to other methods—there won’t be any reason to. 

What is depilation and what are its methods

Depilation is a cosmetic process that removes the visible part of hair above the skin’s surface. Unlike epilation, which removes hair including the roots, depilation only removes the part of the hair above the skin.

Depilation is more affordable than epilation methods, but its results are not as long-lasting, and hair usually regrows more quickly.

Now let’s explore some of the most common depilation methods. 


It is the fastest and most common method of removing hair, where a razor or electric shaver is used to remove hair at the skin level - you're probably familiar with it.

Shaving is quick, easy, and relatively painless, but its results are short-lived. Typically, you will enjoy smooth skin for just about two days before the hair grows back.

Depilatory cream

Depilatory cream Depilatory creams dissolve the protein in the hair, allowing for easy removal without the risk of cuts or skin injuries that can occur with shaving.

Depilatory creams are applied to the skin, left on for a few minutes, and then removed along with the hair. This method is painless, but its results may last only a week or less.


This method involves applying warm wax or wax strips to the skin, which are then quickly pulled off, removing the hair along with it.

Waxing removes hair from the root, which means the results can last longer than shaving, typically three to six weeks. However, beauty comes at a price—this treatment is more painful compared to other depilation methods. It also does not provide permanent results.

Sugar paste depilation

Sugar paste is a special mixture similar to wax that is applied to the skin and then removed in the direction of hair growth (opposite to waxing).

This ancient technique is less painful than traditional waxing and is suitable for sensitive skin. Like waxing, results can last several weeks, and the paste is fully biodegradable and made from natural ingredients.

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. The best choice depends on your skin and hair type as well as the level of comfort or discomfort you are willing to endure for longer-lasting results.

Epilation vs. depilation: Comparison of different methods and their advantages and disadvantages obrázek 3

Difference between epilation and depilation: pros and cons

Advantages of epilation

Long-lasting results

Epilation, especially laser epilation, leads to long-term or even permanent reduction in hair growth. After a certain number of sessions, you can see visible results that are maintained over time.

Suitable for all areas of the body

Permanent laser hair removal can be performed on any area of the body, including legs, arms, underarms, bikini area, and face, making it a highly flexible method for hair removal. Only mechanical epilation is not recommended for the most sensitive areas.

Suitable for people with allergies

For people who have allergies or sensitivities to the chemicals used in depilatory creams and waxes, epilation is the obvious choice.

Disadvantages of epilation - cost and time

May require more time to perform

Especially during the first few sessions, epilation methods such as electrolysis or laser hair removal may take longer because each hair follicle needs to be targeted individually.

More expensive than depilation

With laser epilation, the cost is certainly higher compared to traditional depilation methods. However, considering the long-term effectiveness, these expenses might still be worth it over time.


Epilation may not be suitable for individuals with certain health conditions, cancer, pregnant women, or those with specific skin diseases. It is important to consult with a doctor or qualified specialist to ensure that epilation is safe for you.

Epilation vs. depilation: Comparison of different methods and their advantages and disadvantages obrázek 5

Advantages of depilation

Speed and simplicity

Depilation is an easy method for removing unwanted hair, even without prior experience or special skills. methods like shaving or using depilatory creams take just a few minutes.

Suitable for large areas

Depilation allows you to quickly remove hair from large parts of the body, such as legs, arms, or back. it is therefore a practical choice for a quick prep before summer or special occasions.


There are many depilation products and methods, ranging from very affordable (like razors) to more expensive (such as high-quality depilatory waxes). everyone can choose a solution that fits their budget.

No special preparation

Unlike some other cosmetic treatments, no special preparation is needed before depilation.

Disadvantages of depilation

Short-term results

One of the main drawbacks of depilation is that its effects are only temporary. hair typically grows back within a few days to weeks, and you need to repeat the process.

Short-term results

Methods like waxing or using an epilator are not particularly pleasant, especially for those with sensitive skin or when used on sensitive areas of the body. improper shaving can also lead to cuts.

Risk of irritation and inflammation

Depilation can cause irritation, redness, and in some cases, inflammation of the skin. it is important to proceed cautiously and use products suitable for your skin type.

Ingrown hairs

After depilation, the problem of ingrown hairs often arises, which can lead to uncomfortable and painful bumps or even infections. this issue particularly affects people with coarser or curly hair.

Do you enjoy repeated hair removal and shaving?
But if, like most people, it’s mainly a nuisance for you, then you don’t have to spend dozens of hours on it every year. Laser hair removal will give that time back to you.

Discussion on hair removal: consider others' experiences

When choosing the right hair removal method, consider the experiences and tips from other users in online forums or communities.

Many people share their personal experiences, successes, and failures with various hair removal methods, as well as reviews of their visits to specific salons. This can provide valuable insight into what might work best for your specific needs and skin type.

Additionally, forums often contain tips on minimizing pain, irritation, or strategies to prevent ingrown hairs, which you might not find in official guides.

As they say, others’ experiences are free, so take advantage of them to make an informed decision. 

Epilation vs. depilation: Comparison of different methods and their advantages and disadvantages obrázek 7

Hair removal or hair reduction? Laser hair removal remains the best choice when you're fed up with unwanted hair

From our comparison, it’s clear that laser hair removal stands out as the best and most suitable option for those seeking a permanent hair removal solution.

While various hair removal methods offer different advantages and disadvantages, laser hair removal uniquely provides long-term results, efficiency, and safety all at once.

This makes it an ideal choice for those who want to invest in smooth skin without the need for constant shaving, waxing, or the Sisyphean task of hair removal. 

Do you suffer from ingrown hairs?
It’s better to prevent them than to deal with the consequences. Remove unwanted hair permanently with laser hair removal and say goodbye to this problem for good.
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