IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 1

Two methods that work on a very similar principle, yet produce different results. IPL epilation is a popular home method for hair removal, while laser epilation typically requires a visit to a professional salon. Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions so you can decide which one is right for you.

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IPL and laser hair removal. What do they have in common?

Although they are different technologies, IPL (Intense Pulse Light) and laser hair removal operate on a similar principle.

Both methods target melanin, the pigment naturally found in hair. Melanin absorbs the energy from the light emitted by the epilation device.

This light energy is converted into heat upon contact with the hair, which is then transferred through the pigment to the hair follicle. The follicle overheats and becomes damaged, disrupting the hair’s ability to regenerate.

The hair weakens, and if the epilation device is of high quality, its further growth can be completely stopped. This entire process of converting light into heat is technically known as photothermolysis.

The main advantage of laser or pulsed light epilation is its ability to destroy the hair without damaging the surrounding tissue. The energy selectively acts only on the hair itself.

Unlike shaving and various methods of female and male hair removal, IPL and laser offer a longer-term solution for reducing hair growth. With regular treatments, the number of hairs in the treated area decreases, and the hairs that do grow back are usually finer and lighter.

In the debate of epilation versus depilation, the former clearly takes the lead.

However, to achieve optimal results, it is necessary to undergo multiple epilation sessions. This is due to the different phases of hair growth—epilation is most effective on hairs in the growth phase, which is only a portion of the hairs at any given time. Repeating the procedure ensures that the maximum number of hairs in the growth phase are treated.

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 3

How does at-home IPL hair removal differ from laser hair removal? A comprehensive comparison of both methods

The effectiveness of at-home IPL hair removal and professional laser technology

Undoubtedly, the biggest difference between laser and IPL technology lies in the type of light these devices use.

Laser devices operate with a specific wavelength of light that is targeted and concentrated. The beam of such light is much stronger and more effective, capable of destroying hair with extreme precision.

If you’re wondering how long laser hair removal lasts, the answer could be several years, and in some cases, even permanently.

On the other hand, IPL devices work with a broad spectrum of wavelengths concentrated into a single flash of light, similar to a camera flash. While IPL devices cover a larger area, which might sound beneficial, the issue is that the energy over this area is much more dispersed. This reduces the intensity of the treatment and leads to less effective results.

Comparison result:

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 5

IPL hair removal and skin risks. Is IPL harmful?

IPL uses a broader spectrum of light, which is more dispersed and more absorbed by the surrounding tissue. To heat deeper targets in the skin, such as hair follicles, an IPL device requires more energy. This energy is also absorbed by the surrounding tissue, which can lead to skin damage and burns, as well as unwanted effects such as hyperpigmentation, blisters, or even scarring.

In contrast, the single targeted wavelength used by laser devices allows for deeper penetration into the skin, directing energy straight to the hair follicle. This destroys the hair with little to no impact on the surrounding skin.

Neither laser nor IPL radiation is harmful in terms of carcinogenicity, if that is a concern. 

Comparison result:

How long does the treatment take?

Since the light beam used in laser treatment is highly concentrated, a single application of the laser to the targeted area is usually sufficient for satisfactory results. However, the treated area is smaller compared to IPL.

IPL devices have a larger treatment head, which might give the impression that the session can be completed more quickly, as the larger head covers a bigger area. However, because the light is less intense, the practitioner often needs to treat the same area multiple times. This, in turn, can extend the duration of the session. 

Comparison result:

Razors, depilatory waxes, shaving machines, or home epilators
You keep buying, using, replacing them, and they take up space… Say enough and book a laser hair removal session. The only method that will end the battle with hair for good.

IPL hair removal and how often to repeat the procedure

Hair grows in different cycles, and both laser and IPL hair removal can only treat hair follicles in the growth phase, also known as the anagen phase.

Since it’s not possible to precisely determine which hair is in which stage of the growth cycle on a given area, the laser can destroy approximately 20% of hair follicles. Therefore, it is usually recommended to undergo about 5-6 sessions of laser hair removal for optimal results.

As IPL uses weaker and more diffuse light without precise targeting, the number of damaged or destroyed follicles is even lower with IPL hair removal. This means you may need a larger number of sessions, often 10 or more. 

Comparison result:

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 7

Pain level of at-home IPL hair removal

Logically, it might seem that the more concentrated the light, the stronger the sensation of pain you could experience.

Therefore, IPL devices, which use more diffuse light, should cause less pain.

However, modern laser devices are designed to be as comfortable as possible for clients. They are equipped with cooling systems that maintain a steady flow of cool air on the skin during the laser procedure, significantly reducing the level of pain. Most clinics also offer the application of local anesthetic creams to further diminish discomfort.

Additionally, the precise laser beam works with minimal damage to the surrounding skin. Given that hair follicles are not particularly nerve-rich areas of the body, the pain associated with laser hair removal is not nearly as severe as one might expect. 

Comparison result:

Laser hair removal is not just an aesthetic solution. It also addresses ingrown hairs, helps even out skin tone, and can even reduce acne
Think not just about beauty, but also about skin health. Schedule a laser hair removal appointment.

Ability to treat different skin and hair types

Both laser and IPL devices are very sensitive to skin color and melanin, which means treating dark or tanned skin can be challenging. However, modern medical lasers have overcome this limitation and allow for effective treatment of all skin types, as well as light and less pigmented hair.

With IPL hair removal, the situation is more complex. While the highest quality devices may handle darker skin relatively well, most at-home devices present a risk in this regard. 

Comparison result:

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 9

IPL hair removal and cost compared to laser treatment

One of the most important factors people consider is cost. IPL hair removal can be done at home using commercially available devices, which typically range from 5,000 to 15,000 CZK. The advantage is that you can perform the treatment whenever and wherever you like, as long as you follow safety precautions.

However, as we have mentioned many times and repeat again, IPL hair removal simply never matches the effectiveness of professional lasers. Medical lasers cost hundreds of thousands and are unlikely to be purchased for home use, so you are dependent on professional salons for laser hair removal.

For laser hair removal, the cost depends on the size of the treatment area and can range from several hundred to a few thousand CZK. The recommended number of sessions is 5-6.

The total cost for complete hair removal from a given area can be roughly equivalent to buying an IPL epilator, but with the certainty that laser treatment will provide truly long-term, and sometimes even permanent, results. 

Comparison result:

Laser hair removal saves you dozens of hours of free time each year
Instead of endless shaving and waxing, you can spend this time with your loved ones and hobbies, knowing that your skin is perfectly smooth at all times. You can start right away!

How to Use an IPL Epilator Most Effectively - 10 Tips and Tricks

IPL hair removal is probably the most effective among at-home hair removal methods, although it cannot be compared to laser hair removal.

To truly maximize its effectiveness, you should follow these tips and advice:

Read the user manual

Before using the epilator, carefully read the instruction manual and follow all recommended steps and safety warnings.

Perform a patch test on a small area

Before using the device on larger areas, perform a test on a small patch of skin to see how your skin reacts to IPL treatment.

Avoid sun exposure

Avoid sun exposure and the use of self-tanning products for several weeks before and after IPL hair removal, as darker skin can increase the risk of side effects. It’s also advisable to schedule your hair removal sessions for the winter months.

Shave the hair before hair removal

Before using the IPL device, shave the hair in the area you want to treat. This allows the light to penetrate better to the hair follicles.

Apply a cooling gel to the area

If recommended by the manufacturer, apply a soothing gel to the skin before using the device for added comfort and skin protection.

Use the correct settings

Start with the lowest light intensity setting and gradually increase it based on how your skin reacts.

Do not use the device on sensitive areas

While IPL can be used on the face with appropriate eye protection, avoid using the device on sensitive areas such as eyelids, nipples, and similar regions. IPL hair removal is also not recommended for intimate areas.

Follow the treatment schedule

Follow the recommended treatment schedule from the device manufacturer, which usually includes several sessions at regular intervals.

Be aware of contraindications

The device should not be used if you have any of the contraindications listed, which should be specified in the device's instructions. Typically, IPL is not recommended during pregnancy, for certain skin conditions, or for individuals with epilepsy.

Monitor your skin's reactions

After each use of the IPL device, carefully monitor your skin's reactions. If you experience severe irritation, burns, or other adverse reactions, immediately stop using the device and consult a doctor.

IPL hair removal or laser hair removal? Similarities and differences between the two hair removal procedures obrázek 11

Laser hair removal remains the best option if you want to permanently get rid of unwanted hair

There’s no denying it: laser hair removal remains the most effective and long-lasting method for permanently removing unwanted hair. At-home permanent hair removal is largely a false hope.

If you value your time and comfort and want to permanently address your hair issues, you should start looking for a professional hair removal salon in your area.

The advantages of this approach are numerous, some of which we’ve already discussed.

Professional salons are equipped with the latest laser technology, but having the device alone is not enough; it needs to be operated by experienced hands.

Laser hair removal professionals should have extensive training and experience, allowing them to provide safe and effective treatments tailored to each client’s individual needs and skin type.

Another benefit of treatment at a quality salon is the comprehensive care provided before and after the procedure. This includes thorough consultations, analysis of your skin type, and support and advice on how to care for your skin to speed up healing and minimize the risk of side effects.

This aspect of care is often underestimated, yet it greatly impacts the safety and success of the procedure. You can also check out the reviews of laser hair removal at our salon!

Medical lasers are also adjustable to treat a wide range of skin and hair types while minimizing side effects compared to IPL and other at-home shaving and depilation methods.

They can effectively treat any body area, including the most sensitive ones—this is another significant difference from IPL. 

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